











everyone all togetha


9 Responses to “TeEn TiTaNs”

  1. December 17, 2009 at 1:30 am

    dont forget the aqua dude and bumblebee girl

  2. December 17, 2009 at 9:53 pm

    the second pic is starfire..

  3. 3 Ққa2297♪
    December 21, 2009 at 4:43 am

    Heh hii xD i come in peace from mage barrow 😛

  4. 5 watermelondrea (bey)
    December 26, 2009 at 6:29 am


  5. 6 Flora ♥ or Bellaadorable
    December 28, 2009 at 3:09 am


    • January 2, 2010 at 7:43 pm

      Publication history

      The character was created with an intended finite life span, co-creator Perez states that “from the very start, that this girl was going to be a traitor and that we were going to kill this character off”.[1] When creating the look of the character, the artist George Perez noted that:

      I wanted her to be cute but not beautiful. She looked like a young girl. I gave her a substantial overbite, her eyes were wide, her body was slim, she wasn’t particularly busty. I wanted her to look almost elfin, so that when you see her for the first time wearing full-make and dressed in a provocative outfit where you know she’s just been in bed with Deathstroke that it does jab you a bit.[1]

      A new Terra appeared in Supergirl #12[2] and Terra limited series was being developed, written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray, with illustrations by Amanda Conner.[3] Gray has commented about the series: “Terra as a character has never had a definitive origin. That includes Terra 1 and 2. This mini will address that fact in some surprising ways and open the door to a new corner of the DCU. Aside from that the emphasis will be on heroism, true blue hero stuff.”[4][5] Palmiotti later stated: “Terra is an enigma for obvious reasons. Every hero in the DCU is in the dark about who she is and why she’s doing what she’s doing, which is running around the planet saving and helping people. We’ve been working with Terra for months and months trying to find and develop what’s special about her. In the end, it was a very simple angle, make Terra a superhero with plenty of emphasis on heroism. Everything she does is to help other people and in the service of life.” The 4-issue mini-series was temporarily shelved for a number of reasons but is scheduled to run bi-weekly during the months of November and December 2008.[6][7] The new Terra previously appeared in Teen Titans #52 through #54 as part of the “The Titans of Tomorrow…Today!” storyline and in the first issue of Terror Titans limited series. Following this, she briefly appeared in Teen Titans #69 in the climax of the recruitment drive storyline.
      [edit] Tara Markov
      [edit] Fictional character biography
      The New Teen Titans: The Judas Contract TPB, featuring Tara Markov. Art by George Pérez.

      Tara Markov, half-sister of Geo-Force, Brion Markov, was the illegitimate daughter of the King of Markovia. While in Markovia, she came under the care of a Dr. Helga Jace, and through her experiments, Terra obtained Earth manipulation powers: specifically, the ability to control all forms of earthen matter. After obtaining these powers, she left Markovia for the United States. Unlike her more heroic brother, Geo-Force, Terra had deep-rooted psychological issues, believing that, with their powers, they should rule Earth rather than help the weaker masses. As a result of this belief, Terra became a mercenary, doing dirty work for others such as Deathstroke the Terminator (with whom she shared a romance, despite being fifteen years old). She joined the Teen Titans, fooling them by staging a battle versus Deathstroke. She then operated as a spy for Deathstroke, eventually giving him the information he needed to kidnap the Titans, with no regrets.

      Eventually, the captured Titans were held in a stronghold of Deathstroke’s contractors, The H.I.V.E. Nightwing — who had recently retired from his career as Robin and created the Nightwing identity based on stories Superman had told him of a Kryptonian hero — and Deathstroke’s son, Joseph William Wilson, alias Jericho, raided the complex to rescue them, but were captured. When presented to Deathstroke and the organization in general, Jericho possessed his father and freed the Titans, who then attacked the H.I.V.E. Not knowing of Jericho’s powers, Terra believed Deathstroke to have turned against her. In retaliation, she went berserk and fatally pulled the whole H.I.V.E. complex down upon herself while trying to kill Deathstroke. Despite her betrayal, a statue of her was placed in the Memorial in Titans Tower. Her betrayal was never made public, with her brother simply being told that she had died in battle. Subsequently, Batman eventually revealed the truth to him in an issue of Batman and the Outsiders, prompting Brion to change his costume to green and gold, as he considered the original brown and orange too similar to the outfit worn by his sister.

      In DCU: Last Will and Testament, Deathstroke takes credit for Tara’s insanity by claiming he gave her the same serum he used on Cassandra Cain and Rose Wilson, telling Geo-Force that “the problem with Tara was that we waited too long. By then the psychosis was so bad, she tried to kill us all”. This contradicts his earlier account of her lifelong insanity in the Titans stories following The Judas Contract, in which he emphatically denied having any part in driving her to madness.

      The 2008 the Terra mini-series had intended to explain that Tara was driven insane by an element called “quixium” harvested from Strata, the home world of Terra III, which had been used by Markovian scientists to grant her earth-based superpowers. With a year-long delay in the publication of the Terra mini-series and the interim release of DCU: Last Will and Testament, this retcon was dropped completely. According to Justin Gray, “Terra 1 stays as she is in LW&T. The brain damage was part of the initial story (before LW&T) that connected all three Terras and Geo-Force to Strata, the book needed to be changed to reflect LW&T, the double ship made changes to issue #2 impossible. It happens and we all did what we could to make it work”.
      [edit] Black Lantern
      See also: Blackest Night

      In the first issue of Blackest Night: Titans, Terra’s corpse is reanimated as a Black Lantern; seducing Beast Boy using an illusion cast by Lilith to mask her decayed appearance.[8] During the battle of Black Lantern Titans, they were overwhelmed. Hawk (Holly Granger) plunges her hand into Dawn’s chest. Dawn suddenly radiates a white energy that completely destroys Holly’s body and ring. Dawn then turns the light on the other Black Lanterns, destroying all but Hank Hall, Tempest, and Terra, who quickly retreat.[9]

      Terra then travels to the Outsiders’ base, to see her brother. She claims to have broken free of whatever force was controlling her as a Black Lantern, and begs Geo-Force and the other Outsiders to kill her.[10] However, this was later revealed to be a ruse, a way of getting Geo-Force to display the strongest emotions possible. After a mostly one-sided battle, Terra’s body is turned to stone by Geo-Force, and her ring is destroyed by Halo.[11]
      [edit] Tara Markov doppelgänger
      Terra visiting her grave in Team Titans #6. Cover art by Phil Jimenez.

      Terra II was introduced as a young girl from the early 21st Century who had been exposed to a DNA virus designed to transform her into a genetic doppelgänger of the original Terra. As part of the Team Titans, Terra went back in time to the year 1992 to stop the birth of Teen Titan Donna Troy’s firstborn son, who would grow up to be the tyrannical “Lord Chaos”.

      Terra II, shared a mutual attraction to the Teen Titan Changeling. Unfortunately, despite their attraction, Changeling was openly hostile towards Terra II due to his own emotional scars from being used by the original Terra.

      The final issues of Team Titans revealed that the group’s mysterious “Leader” was Hank Hall, former Titan “Hawk” who became the renegade time traveling villain “Monarch”. His attempts to erase the universe from existence as part of Hal Jordan’s plan to remake the universe during “Zero Hour”, resulted in the erasing of the future that gave birth to the Team Titans. Only Terra and Mirage survived, due to the aid of the Time Trapper.

      After the events of “Zero Hour”, Terra II and Mirage joined the main Teen Titans team. Once there, they were told that they, along with fellow time traveller Deathwing (an evil version of Dick Grayson, from the Lord Chaos future timeline), were really from the present day. The Time Trapper had whisked them away from the present to place them within Monarch’s army of Titans in order to keep track of Monarch’s schemes.

      After New Titans was canceled, the Terra remained in limbo until the 1998 revival of the Teen Titans. In the 1999 Titans Secret Files special, Terra visits Geo-Force and undergoes genetic tests to determine her identity. When she expresses her fears that she is the original Terra, Geo-Force informs her that she is not his sister, while destroying the test results that confirm that she was a genetic match for Terra I. Later, under circumstances which have yet to be explained, Terra also becomes affiliated with the Outsiders. (Day of Judgment #3-4)

      In the “Titans Tomorrow” storyline, the Titans glimpse a grim possible future, and Terra (in a costume modeled closely after her original) is a member of the Titans East, a more benign rival group that opposes the fascist future versions of the current Teen Titans. This future’s version of Beast Boy, calling himself Animal Man, still bears a grudge against Terra and wants nothing to do with her.

      Terra is one of the many Titans who answer the summons to help Conner Kent defeat Superboy-Prime in Infinite Crisis #4, working with Sand to hit Prime with a mass of Earth in an attempt to stop him.
      [edit] 52

      Terra is a member of the Teen Titans group, led by Beast Boy, who fights Black Adam during the World War III storyline. In their second encounter with the crazed Marvel, she catches Black Adam off guard by crushing him between two massive boulders. Although this maneuver hurts Adam, it fails to disable him, and in a fit of anger he punches through her chest, killing her instantly. Instead of pursuing Black Adam, the Titans stay behind to bury their fallen comrade.
      [edit] Origin

      The mystery of the second Terra’s origins was addressed in the 2008 Terra mini-series: she had been born in an underground world called Strata and sent away by its members to establish relations with the surface world. She allowed the Stratans to surgically alter her to resemble the original Terra, believing surface-dwellers would more easily accept her if she reminded them of one of their own. They used an element called Quixium to grant her earth-based powers similar to that of her predecessor, a process that had the unfortunate side effect of total memory loss.
      [edit] Atlee
      [edit] Fictional character biography
      Promotional cover artwork for Terra #1, by Amanda Conner, featuring the new Terra, Atlee.

      A new Terra named Atlee appears in Supergirl #12 (January 2007), sporting a new outfit and black hair. She emerges near a party Supergirl is attending, fighting a creature from a civilization under the Earth’s surface. While Supergirl expresses disdain for the superhero activities which interfere with her personal life, Terra counters by saying that being a superhero is simply the right thing to do; she doesn’t comprehend Supergirl’s complaints. Together they defeat the monster by collapsing the ground under it. Terra then departs. The Terra miniseries has revealed that she is a member of an alien race called Stratans who live below the Earth’s surface in a massive subterranean cave called “Strata” which is actually the empty spacesuit of a long dead cosmic extraterrestrial[12], and possesses a rare mutation granted by a unique ore called “Quixium” which grants her the earth powers she wields.[13]
      [edit] Titans of Tomorrow…Today!
      See also: Titans Tomorrow

      Atlee appears as a future version of herself in Teen Titans #52-#54 as part of the “Titans of Tomorrow…Today!” storyline.
      [edit] Terror Titans
      See also: Terror Titans

      During the Final Crisis crossover, a group of teen supervillains calling themselves the Terror Titans begin abducting teenaged metahumans to use as competitors in the Dark Side Club, an underground arena where the young heroes are brainwashed and forced to fight to the death for spectators and wealthy patrons. After learning of the abductions, Terra goes on the run, eventually meeting up with fellow teen superheroes Aquagirl, Molecule, Offspring, Zachary Zatara, and the Star-Spangled Kid. While deciding on a course of action, the teens are ambushed by the Terror Titans, who proceed to overpower and capture them, killing Molecule in the process. Atlee and the others are taken to the Dark Side Club and subjected to the Anti-Life Equation, which causes them to become slaves to Darkseid and his cadre of followers. After winning several matches in the tournament, Terra is made a member of the Clock King’s Martyr Militia, a team of brainwashed superhumans who he plans to use on an attack in Los Angeles. Atlee and the others are ultimately freed from the Anti-Life Equation when Miss Martian, Rose Wilson, and Static lead a rebellion against the Terror Titans and capture the various members of the Dark Side Club.[14]

      In the aftermath of the successful rebellion, Atlee accompanies her rescuers and fellow survivors to Titans Tower in San Francisco, hoping to take some time to recuperate. While resting, Atlee is offered a spot on the Teen Titans by Wonder Girl, which she politely declines, saying that she wishes to distance herself from the tragedy surrounding the membership of the previous two bearers of the Terra identity.[15]
      [edit] Power Girl sidekick

      Rested from her stay with the Titans, Atlee returns to be the spunky sidekick of Power Girl, successfully helping her save Manhattan from the Ultra-Humanite.[16] After that she elects Manhattan as her base of operation, to benefit from the constant mentoring of Power Girl both in establishing and mantaining a human identity, and in her superhero persona [17] She takes on an Australian accent in her civillian identity, finding the half-truth of her being from “down under” quite humorous. She and Power Girl begin a close friendship, going to movies and even shopping together at an IKEA-esque Scandanvian furniture store. Atlee also decides to drop her Australian accent, instead claiming that her new cover identity is that of a spy, something Power Girl finds quite humorous. [18]
      [edit] Other versions

      * On Earth-33, a world of magicians, Terra is an earth mage, who appears to be one with the soil.
      * In the comic that spawned from the animated ‘Teen Titans’ series, Terra has made a few appearances. She appeared in issue 11 “Countdown”, 12 “Magic & Misdirection”, and 51 “Metamorphosis”. Issue 51 is set after the series finale of the animated series. Terra’s brother, Geo-Force arrives at Titans Tower and relates Terra’s origin: she was the Princess of Markovia, and along with her brother was experimented on by sinister interests within the royal court, which gave them both earth-based superpowers. Feeling exploited, Terra ran away, leading to the events of the animated series. At the end of the story, Geo-Force and Beast Boy consider visiting Terra at her school, but decide to leave her be, as she is the happiest she’s ever been.

      [edit] In other media
      Terra, as she appeared in the Teen Titans animated series.

      Terra appears in the Teen Titans animated series, voiced by Ashley Johnson. Like many characters in the series, Terra’s backstory and appearance was modified for the cartoon series; in Terra’s case the character was now a much more sympathetic figure. Terra is a young teenage girl with long straight blond hair and super-powers similar to those of her comic counterparts. Terra can manipulate the ground and rocks around her, but also other inanimate objects. Unlike her comic book counterparts though, Terra has little control over her powers, which is a source of shame for her and ultimately is what leads her to betray the Titans.

      Introduced during season two of the series, Terra first encounters the Titans while being chased by a giant scorpion monster. After defeating the monster, she parts ways with the Titans, among whom Beast Boy immediately develops a crush on her. It is revealed that Terra and Beast Boy spend time together as friends after their first meeting, with Terra confiding to Beast Boy her problems controlling her powers. Beast Boy agrees to keep this a secret, though after an encounter with Slade, the villain recognizes Terra’s problems utilizing her powers and offers to help teach her how to control her powers. Terra refuses, stating that Slade is an enemy of the Teen Titans, who are her friends. However, Slade would plant the seed of doubt regarding whether or not Beast Boy would keep his word, which comes to a head when Robin asks Terra to become a Teen Titan. Terra accepts, but then suspects that Beast Boy broke his promise to keep her secret (that she can’t control her powers) from the group, unaware that Robin had merely figured it out on his own. Terra flees the Tower while being watched by Slade, who she ultimately agreed to work for in exchange for his training her on how to master her powers. [19] After some time training under him, she returns to the Titans to take her place as the group’s sixth member after helping stop Slade from attacking the tower.

      By this point, Beast Boy confesses to Terra that he is in love with her and the two go on their first official date together. While the two visit a theme park, Titans Tower is attacked by an army of Slade’s robots. The Titans find out that they were able to enter the Tower because of Terra, who had supplied not only information on the Tower’s defenses but also the weaknesses of the Titans. When Terra confesses to Beast Boy what she had done, Beast Boy rejects her, which only strengthens Slade’s hold over her. [20]

      Terra then begins to serve as somewhat of Slade’s personal counterpart to the Titans. After defeating the Titans one by one and attempting to murder her former friends, by crushing them in an avalanche, Terra is given a new costume designed to “control” her powers. [21] In truth though, the suit is a failsafe, designed to ensure Terra would never betray Slade, as it allows him to transform Terra into a remote controlled puppet in the event that she disobey him. After successfully taking over the city, Terra begins to reminisce over the good times she once had with the Titans, and slowly begins to regret what she had done. When it becomes apparent that Terra has failed to kill the Titans, Slade turns abusive towards her. This causes Beast Boy (who had followed Terra to Slade’s underground lair) to let go of his hate towards his former friend. Convincing Terra that he still cares for her, he offers to help her escape. At this point, Slade activates Terra’s new costume, causing her to attack Beast Boy; it would have killed him had the rest of the Titans not arrived. As the final showdown ensued, Terra was able to overcome her costume and turned the full force of her powers onto Slade, engaging in an intense duel, to stop him once and for all. Unfortunately, in doing so, she triggers a volcanic eruption that kills Slade and threatens to kill the Titans as well. In the end, Terra sacrifices herself to save her friends and the city by turning back the full force of the volcanic eruption. However, her act of bravery comes at a horrific cost; she effectively becomes one with her powers over rock and was transformed into solid stone. For her sacrifice to save her former friends and the city, the Titans places a plaque in front of her imprisoned form honoring her as a Titan. It says: Terra, A Teen Titan, A True Friend.[22]

      However, in the final episode of the series, Things Change, her demise is called into question. After seeing a girl who looks like her, but claims not to be her, and finding Terra’s solid stone form missing from her final resting place, Beast Boy begins to question if Terra has really died. Although apparently unpowered, the new girl’s physical resemblance is uncanny. The episode ends without providing a definitive answer as to whether Terra is dead or alive; or, if the girl really is her

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