omg i ish SOOOO  sad now cuz yesterday at da football game i cheer right lyk i on pep squad and all of a sudden Haden gets tackled(ther person on out team) cuz Tristen(a big fat dude) tackles him and he stayed on the ground….so then pep squad and cheerleaders went out too see if he was okie but he wasnt movin and he didnt wake up but he was breathin thank jesus but da only thing he could move was his fingas and his feet so we  were all cryin and da other cheerleaders wer all lyk ” GET UP AND GET OVER IT” and we started cussin them out and they went to go tell ther coach and so did we and we didnt get in trouble they did….O YEA I FORGOT TO SAY THIS WAS A 8TH GRADE GAME AND WE CHEERED FOR A 7TH AND 8TH….so then they had to call da paramedics :….( so today evryone was totally quiet…..well the ppl that wer ther and i was cryin at skool cuz Haden is lyk my best friend no joke lyk he would always cll meh brenda cuz when i had braids i looked lyk brends off of Scary Movie it was funny :..) but da more i think bout it the sadder i get and my friends kept askin wats wrong cuz they wernt ther and meh and my friend Yasmin and Teyr BUST OUT IN TEARS it was a sadd moment so we had to go inside and wipe our face ….ya and i kno i sound girly and all but I WILL CRY IF ANY OF MY FRIENDS GET HURT AND HAV A BROKEN COLLAR BONE THAT MADE MEH VERY TEARY AND I DONT CRY AND GET EMOTIONAL LYK MOST PPL DO CUZ I A STRANGE PERSON BUT……he was a very good friend and i love him….not lyk that lyk love love but lyk a brother love lol OMG but i feel badd for his girlfriend Olivia :…(

3 Responses to “FoOtBaLl AnD cHeEr”

  1. 1 trggirl
    October 12, 2009 at 11:16 pm

    I feel bad for you and know how you feel. My brother played football and got hurt alot… Im glad he stopped. No offense to any of your friends who are boys but… BOYS GET HURT DOING ANYTHING! And to the last sentence… you you lyke lyke someone you say in love not LOVE. You love your mom & dad & and friends & family. You are IN LOVE with your crush.

  2. 2 Beyonce1997
    October 15, 2009 at 11:06 pm

    huh? I AINT IN LOVE WITH HIM THAT WOULD MESS UP OUR FRIENDSHIP…and my boyfriend would be berry jealous

  3. 3 princesselly
    November 24, 2009 at 2:16 am

    i use to play hockey O.e owwie ii fell a lot lolz clumsy me 😀

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