hiya yall….my name ish naala i live in

houston texas but recently moved to

shreveport louisiana and havin some easy

times except this one dude named stefan this

one dude named brian and this other dude

named micheal….ok so as yall kno stefan

likes meh and his best friend is brian…but

wat stefan dont kno ish that last yr in 6th

grade brian had a MAJOR crush on

meh….but micheal comes in…see hes my best

friend and i like him and my friend told meh

he likes meh back but i dont wanna ask cuz

that be weird LOL so like yh thats really wats

goin on…OH YEAH its snowin wer i am and

snow fell on meh and i was laughin so hard

my ribs started hrtin lol ok well thats all.


2 Responses to “AbOuT bEyOnCe1997”

  1. December 5, 2009 at 3:44 am

    lol…One time We had a snowfall and my friend got locked in her house cuz she couldn’t leave from the snow and she tried to go thru the snow (stupid idea) and ALL THE SNOW FELL ON HER AND I COULDN’T SEE HER CUZ SHE WAS COVERED IN SNOW…weird story o . O

  2. 2 princesselly
    December 19, 2009 at 6:18 pm

    u moved kewl i hayt moving my life is miserable now…. i beg to move bac either to minneapolis or south dakota

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